combustible gas sensors

We are working
since 1996
of catalytic
sensors in Russia
Unique vitrified
platinum wire

About company

The history of the company began 70 years ago at the Institute of Mining. Skochinsky. NTC IGD LLC was registered in 1996 as an independent organization.

Throughout all time we are engaged in scientific and technical developments which have wide application in the coal, oil and gas industry, in houses and rooms.

We hope that the knowledge and many years of experience of our company will be in demand by you for the joint creation of gas analytical equipment for the needs of production and the public.
Karpov Evgeny Evgenievich
Director of the company


Methane sensors

5 Products


1 Products

Replaceable filters to protect gas sensors

1 Products

Platinum wire

1 Products

Quartz tubes

1 Products
Other categories
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Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Malyshev Yury Nikolaevich is handing in documents on awarding our director the title of academician of the Mining Academy of Russia.
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In recent years, domestic gas explosions in multi-apartment buildings have become more frequent.
  • Payment Terms

    We supply our products based on partial or full prepayment. Please make your order via our feedback form. Just don't forget to leave your contact data and our manager will contact you to discuss details.

  • Delivery terms

    Terms of delivery and ETA may vary from country to country and depends on your order complexity as well. Please discuss terms of delivery with our manager via feedback form or by phone.

  • Operating principle and features of gas sensors.

    Catalytic sensor (or pellistor) is based on a pair of sensitive elements, usually referred to as Detector and Compensator. Detective sensitive element consists of a glass-insulated platinum wire (10 micrometer) coil. The coil is placed into a porous ceramic pellet (or bead), impregnated with catalyst. Construction of the compensating elements is same, but with no catalyst added to the ceramic bead. Therefore, compensator is inert in any gas environment. At the same time, when detecting element gets in contact with a combustible gas containing atmosphere, the catalyst starts heating the ceramic bead, thus increasing resistance of detecting element platinum wire. Therefore, increasing of gas concentration leads to misbalance of currents within the Weatston bridge circuit, typically recommended for resistance measurement. Usage of extra-thin platinum wire (10 micrometers) allows to dramatically decrease energy consumption of sensors, primary used in portable gas analysis devices. The high-silica glass insulation covering the wire provides extra chemical and mechanical resilience to detecting element. It allows to use the sensors in devices, designed for use in hazardous and extreme environment.

    R - Worker ChE
    K - compensation CHE
    R1, R2 - resistance of known magnitude

  • How ofter do I need to calibrate sensors?

    Normally, unless placed into extreme coniditions (temperature, pressure, humidity) our sensors need just an initial calibration. Later it may be calibrated once a year. To ensure maximum accuracy sensors must be calibrated with a gas to detect when in operation.

  • When do I replace the sensor?

    Nominal period of operation for sensors from "Karpov-Sensor" company is one year. Over time, sensitivity of all sensors is decreasing. It is connected witj specific of their operations. This very sensitivity decrease defines period of expiration for any pelister and time of its replacement. Certain substances, such as silicones, phosphates, sulfur-containing compounds are poisoning sensors, thus irreversibly driving down their sensitivity. When these substances are present in the air of operation, sensors should be protected by special cellulose filters.